Launch monitor integrations

Record. Analyze. Improve.

JC Video Motion Analysis

The #1 Golf Swing Analysis Software Available!

Nobody has used motion analysis software more than me, and I demand that the software I use is fast and easy to use. I've worked extensively with JC Video's world class, professional grade, video analysis software, and this is the finest analysis software on the planet.

Jim McLean

Digital Imaging - Compare Your Swing to the Pros!

Digital Mirror Ultimate by JC Video Systems is the perfect combination of Power and Ease of Use when capturing and analyzing yours or your student's golf swing. A completely hands-free way of viewing and comparing your golf swing to your previous swings or swings of Tour players.

Capture, Replay, and Analyze without touching your computer! 

JC Video screenshot

See your live swing at 200 frames per second, while our impact sensor captures and trims your video clips automatically. Choose from multiple replays and replay speeds, including our Dynamic Impact Zone option that increases the slow-motion replay through impact! Our replays are the most effective replay solutions that you can find for swing analysis. Our clips sync automatically to impact with other Pro and Student clips, giving you a perfect mirror to each swing. You can also download swing videos from YouTube for comparison. Digital Mirror allows you to see exactly what you or your students need to see to improve!

We are integrated with leading Launch Monitors and save the club and ball data to the swing so you can search/sort your swings by the resulting data!

For Instructors

Now you can instruct your student and never need to touch the computer, maximizing the effectiveness of your lessons!

Saving clips for your students is easy as right-clicking, and our Drag n Drop Swing Clip Library makes organizing your students and their clips a breeze! Our library contains more than 2000 Pro swings, and allows you to save as many Groups and Favorites as you want.

Recording a Voiceover lesson summary video is as simple as clicking a button and typing the student's name. Whatever you do on screen while recording saves to a video file along with your voice. Our Voiceovers allow you to pause recording, and following creation, upload the video to the student using our Online Services in literally one click allowing you to get back to teaching faster!

Create 8-Frame sequences with multiple layouts and individual frame adjustments, and export screen captures to PDF where you can add a title and notes before saving! Enhance all your lessons by giving your students visual feedback to take home!

The analysis software also ties into an online database of students that you can create to take your students with you anywhere

Digital Mirror - Ultimate Motion Analysis

More top golf professionals choose JC Video than all others combined.

JC Mirror indoor setup

An important component in any lesson is visual feedback, instant video replay sets the mental image for the student to alter their swing where traditional instruction without video fails. Only after you are able to alter the perception of the technique from the actual technique, will the student be able to alter the physical component and begin to build corrections into what is referred to as 'muscle memory'.

Although 'muscle memory' does not technically exist, the physical feeling as it relates to the actual image of the physical motion is without question, easier to alter with video than without. Instruction with video is a tremendous advantage in any form of teaching motor skills. 87% of everything you learn is through visualization, your brain is an incredibly complex instant replay system which can mimic almost any action it see's.

How can you expect effective change if you cannot see yourself swing? JC Video Motion-Analysis software provides the ability to email clips, burn a take home CD, or add audio instruction to a swing for later review and retention, JC Video’s Digital Mirror Ultimate Software is the benchmark for all other Motion Analysis programs.

JC Mirror enclosure
JC Mirror screenshot

Digital Mirror stays ahead of other software by saving clips incredibly quickly with small file size so your hard drive doesn't fill up with unnecessary swings, and still retains amazing image quality!

We offer a full suite of editable drawing tools, including a swing plane tool that draws a shaded swing plane by only drawing a single line. Our drawing tools also persist through multiple swings to help with swing consistency.

Our software is also completely touch capable for use on Microsoft Surface and other touch screen systems!

JC Video Ground Force Analysis screenshot

NEW - Ground Force Analysis

Our brand new pressure mat offers a complete 3D solution for monitoring ground forces. Higher sensor resolution and higher speeds allow us to overlay 3D graphs over live video and high-speed video replay. Students can easily understand pressures without using complicated graphs and numbers. Also now featuring software control integrated directly into the mat for hands free analysis!

Impact Cam

Our Impact Cam option allows you to record the impact area at up to 2000 frames per second, allowing you to see the exact direction and position of the clubhead through impact. Our impact cam also syncs to the 200 FPS full swing captures so you can see every detail of the swing.